Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Red Vines black licorice recall

Red Vines black licorice twists one-pound package proclaims “No preservatives and are always fat free.” These treats are certified kosher and preservative free. Perhaps American Licorice Co. in Union City, California should add “Warning: may contain lead” after batches packaged with the expiration of February 4, 2013. I suggest telling the truth on the ingredients label. “Children or pregnant women who have consumed this treat should consult their physicians” sounds good.

Although my childhood was long, long ago, one thing I remember with clarity. I hated the taste of black or red licorice. Any candies I consumed (politically correct word for gobbled) during my early years were licorice free. I tried a taste many years later when my foster children swore by Red Vines red licorice. My tastebuds held true. A taste test confirmed no licorice for me.

If you’re a Red Vines consumer, maybe it’s time to get the lead out.